kickboxing harrow kickboxing classes harrow martial arts self-defence west london
kickboxing harrow kickboxing classes harrow martial arts self-defence west london
harrow kickboxing classes
Harrow kickboxing
Whitmore High School, Porlock Ave. HA2 0AD
Days & Times Wednesday 7.30pm to 8.30pm Google map
Instructor Paul Clare  
Telephone 07875567523  
  Kickboxing grade Black Belt, 4th Dan
  Qualifications PKA Instructor, ACS Coaching Studies, First Aid, CRB
  Paul had studied various styles of Martial Arts for a number of years and in 1998 he joined the PKA in London. At Green belt level he enrolled in the PKA Instructor Development Program. He later attained his Black Belt, 1st Dan and qualified as an Instructor. He is a pivotal member of the PKA London and is now an Area Instructor.
kickboxing harrow kickboxing classes harrow martial arts self-defence west london  
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